Mike Spencer
Artist Blacksmith

First Shed (1975)

First Shed , late March of 1975. Formerly a woodshed. Stump for my Hill anvil sunk into the ground, then a plank floor layed in around it, 16ga. sheet steel laid over the planks to diminish fire hazard.

Interior had rivet forge, anvil, workbench with machinist's vise and bench grinder [1], post drill [2], welding torches, wood-fired smoke generator [3] and sundry tools.

Flat-roofed portion to the left, decorated with roofing felt, is a two-stall stable for draught horses, neither of which was in residence at the time.

The machine at the right, under wraps, is a Palmer Power Spring Hammer, lugged back to Nova Scotia from rural Massachusetts. I had no place to put it and no way to power it so there it sat. In October of '77, the purchase of a large derelict building in Port Medway, NS -- the New, Improved and Enormously Enlarged Shed -- provided space and electric mains from which to draw power. It served me well there for 25 years. It now resides at another blacksmith shop a few miles away where I can visit it from time to time.

[1] Powered by a lawn mower gasoline engine and complicated V-belt arrangement. No electricity at the homestead in those days.

[2] Viz. old-fashioned hand-cranked drill press.

[3] Used only when the shed was too cold, its chief asset was that it also emitted significant quantities of caloric, quickly making the shed too hot.

Created: Mike Spencer, Fri 29 Apr 2011